Wednesday, 21 October 2009

Mixed feelings

Yup, I have a bit of mixed feelings today. Hmmmm.
I had butterflies all day in work, for some strange reason. Must have been something in the air... Ha. Work wasn't too bad today, went in pretty fast again and had some good banter. Although, I don't feel so good now. I've got a sore throat, and everytime I swallow, my ear hurts :S Like really really hurts, as in agoooony beyond belief. Hmm.

Today has been strange. Missing a certain someone today.. And I've not felt like this in a very long time! Doesn't help that I was watching Anchorman lastnight which totally reminds me of the person, haha. In a good way though. Hmm.

I tell myself I love being single, but, recently, I'm not so sure I actually do. I miss wee certain things I used to get up to. Like, tickling to sleep/tickled to sleep, snuggling up with the DVD night ins, cute morning texts to wake up to, playing around, getting bench pressed (haha!) that smile, the eyes.. eugh! Now I'm getting all depressing and not even talking about "relationships" now. Kinda just talking about a certain one :|. Mate, time for my bed. I'm confused haha.

On the other hand, I have A Day To Remember tomorrow, which I'm stoked on. Even though I feel fucked up :| I hope I wake up tomorrow and my throat is a lot better. Mixed feelings on ADTR aswell though, seen as we don't know where we're crashing :/ Which means, I might possibly have to drive in (Which I totally don't want to do) because there's no logical way of getting back to Rachael's in Ardrossan at like, 3am. Shit story.

I feel like I can't eat, my throat feels that bad. Hmm. And I can't be arsed with soup or any liquid jazz. No way, hoesay. Might just have a bowl of cereal with some fruit in it or something, see how that goes down.

Gonna tidy my room, get things ready for tomorrow, then have an early night in bed with a few movies again I think.


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