So, today I came home from work to feed my wee Axolotyl, and she was totally floating on the surface with her wee feet in the air! I thought she was dead and got well upset, phoned my mum and started moaning down the phone. She told me to poke her and when I did, I got the fright of my life! She swam like fuck down to the bottom corner of her tank. Little shite nearly giving me a heart attack! Anyway, she's all good :)
Y'know, I still haven't got a name for her yet...
Hmmm, that is absolutely terrible. I call her Flossy, but I don't want that to be her name, cause it's well bent. Any ideas? :D
Work was not bad today, flew in once again seen as I had a lot to do. I'm getting away at 2.45pm on Thursday (for ADTR) which I'm totally chuffed about :D And I have the Friday off aswell. Jamming!!
Was chilling with The Mummah Gecko today for a bit after work, isn't she a weee stunner :) She's got laaavly little kiddies running about too. My maw thinks she's the ugliest out of the lot. She totally is not. She's one of my favourites, out of her 23657486586 reptiles. The friendliest too :)
I'm gutted I don't like having crickets in the house, or I'd have a few wee baba's to keep in my room, but no way HOEsay. The amount of noise the little shits make at night and you totally can't get to sleep. I kept crickets for my Beardies at one point, but they got too much, so my wee Beardies are eating Morio Worms now :).
Anyway! Less of my rambling, I'm cold and huuuungry. Gonna go put the heating on and make myself some cheesy pasta or something! Or maybe some Supernoodles... Hmmmm... Decisions decisions!!
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