Thursday, 26 February 2009


Quite enjoyed my day off - I planned to tidy out my car but it ended up pissing down with rain, so I gave that one a miss! I was pretty pissed in the morning though when the crickets didn't get delivered for the beardies. It's been a week since I ordered them and they're still not here, so I'm not a happy chap! Went to Chatlherault to get some crickets and noticed that they're looking for weekend staff there. Think I might hand in my CV - can't go wrong earning more money! 
When I got back I fed the beardies and went to lunch with Dave. 
Now him and Kud are chillaxing listening to LOG and playing Fifa. We're thinking of getting a flat together but the only thing is, the beardies cost more in leccy bills and  don't want to get rid of them. Most definitely not getting rid of Yoshi. That would be an absolute bummer :/.
We shall see what happens!

Anyway, I'm off!

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